26–28 марта 2025  |  Москва  |  ЦВК «Экспоцентр»

Новости выставки

Best decoration and goods layout in a store of goods for home’ competition will be held in the framework of international HouseHold Expо, Stylish Home. Gifts, Christmas Box. Podarki, ChemiCos and Dacha Outdoor exhibitions. Results will be announced on September 15 in the framework of the Business Program of the exhibitions.

Организатор: МОККА Экспо Групп (гк Майер).
115114 Москва, Летниковская ул., д.10, стр.4;
тел.:  +7 (495) 363-50-32
e-mail:   info@outdoordacha.ru
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