
March 17 - 19, 2026 | MVC Crocus Expo | Moscow

a new exhibition format

expoplex HouseHold Expo

In the last few years, there has been a significant change in consumer behavior, due to new technical capabilities and progress in e-commerce. Completely new audiences are involved in these processes. All this has contributed to the development of a new direction in the exhibition industry.

The Mayer Group of Companies unites under one umbrella exhibitions of various non-food sectors that are of interest to the same visitors: sellers, retail chain buyers, wholesale and trading companies, private label customers, distributors and entrepreneurs, service organizations. This large-scale "umbrella" is Expoplex HouseHold Expo.

EXPOPLEX is a kind of multiplex consisting of several cinema halls with different films, but only for exhibitions. This format turned out to be extremely convenient and beneficial both for the participants — providing a large cross-flow of real buyers and sellers of various marketplaces, and for visitors — opening up to them the maximum number of new products and product lines of various non-food categories; reducing the time spent searching for what is needed, improving the coverage of non-food SKUs in one place and at one time; providing unexpected new products and useful spontaneous ideas and solutions.

Such a concept of a generalized exhibition event not only significantly saves time and effort, but also provides events with a high level of efficiency and relevance for manufacturers and consumers.

Today, the HouseHold Expo Expoplex includes more than 250,000 SKUs simultaneously on one site for 3 days:

Marth 18-20, 2025, MVC «Crocus Expo»

HouseHold Expo
International Industrial Exhibition of Household Goods
HouseTech Expo
exhibition of household and digital appliances
Stylish Home. Objects & Tableware
exhibition of interior items, decor, home lighting and textiles
Outdoor Dacha
Exhibition of goods for country life
Zoo ExpoPlace
Pet Products Exhibition
Exhibition of household and professional chemicals
cosmetics and perfumery, hygiene products exhibition
ChristmasBox Podarki
exhibition of gifts, souvenirs, New Year, Christmas and holiday products
Big Salon of Toys and Children's Goods


Mayer CG – member of the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry UFI, the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP) and the Russian Union of Chemists. Has been organizing professional B2B exhibitions and congress events for over 28 years. Currently, the company annually holds 20 international exhibition projects, business forums and conferences. Exhibitions of the Mayer J Group are held with the official support of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, the RSPP, the Russian Union of Chemists, and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.
