How to make the most of it when managing accounts in VK, Dzen and Telegram – Day of Internet sales TRENDS OF DIGITAL MARKETING 2022

March 18 - 20, 2025 | MVC Crocus Expo | Moscow

How to make the most of it when managing accounts in VK, Dzen and Telegram – Day of Internet sales TRENDS OF DIGITAL MARKETING 2022

DIP 22 2


March 24, 2022, Crocus Expo, pav. 2, hall 9

Organizers: Ingate, SberMegaMarket


Section 1. TRENDS OF DIGITAL MARKETING 2022. Organizer: Ingate


10:30 – 11:30

Sales funnel for HouseHold segment. How to not miss a client and activate secondary sales  

Dmitriy Apukhtin, Head of DS group project of Ingate company



11:30 – 12:30

How to make the most of it when managing accounts in VK, Dzen and Telegram

Olga Yusheva, main ORM expert of Ingate company




12:30 – 13:30

Website promotion of mono brand producer. Work on coverage and traffic attraction

Natalia Podshibaeva. Head of web search promotion Department of Ingate company



13:30 – 14:30

Marketplaces – managing sales with the help of analytics  
Grigoriy Zagrebelniy
, Head of the Research & Development Department of Ingate company



Section 2. «Expert session from SberMegaMarket: how to increase online sales with the help of marketplaces». Organizer: SberMegaMarket

14:30 – 14:45

1. Marketplaces as a driver of online trade growth

  • Online market of goods for home and country house: current state and prospective of growth
  • How marketplaces changed the market of seasonal goods and goods for home and why it is worth to collaborate with marketplaces?
  • Opportunities and advances of site for the growth of your sales.

Speaker: Ivan Bugay, head of the ‘Goods of long-term use’ business group



14:45 – 15:10

2. «Goods for home» - one of the most fast-growing categories of the marketplace

  • Category ‘Goods for home’ at the multi category marketplace SberMegaMarket. What factors influenced on its growth in 2021 and sales of what goods were growing the fastest.
  • Main focuses on 'Goods for home’ category development in 2022
  • Recommendations of SberMegaMarket for sellers: what instruments it is better to use to increase sales at marketplaces?

Speaker: Anna Pronkina, manager of ‘Goods for home’ category’



15:10 – 15:35

3. Countryside and seasonal goods. Removing obstacles and going online

  • How the category of seasonal goods is presented at SberMegaMarket?
  • What difficulties do sellers face with selling seasonal goods online and what solutions does SberMegaMarket have? How the buyers’ preferences changed in the category in the period of pandemic and post-covid period?
  • How does the marketplace support the category development?

Speaker: Alexey Pavlov, manager of ‘Dacha, seasonal goods’ category

Pavlov 1
15:35 – 16:00

4. Round table with sellers

Relevant sellers of SberMegaMarket will share the experience of their work at marketplaces and will tell what results they achieved thanks to collaboration with SberMegaMarket