Sales management and negative trends on the market

March 18 - 20, 2025 | MVC Crocus Expo | Moscow

Sales management and negative trends on the market

The cycle of master-classes and seminars “Goods, effective sales, loyal customer” in spring 2019 will gather over 20 experts in the sphere of sales, merchandising, branding, marketing and private label. Master-classes and seminars are held every year within the framework of International exhibitions HouseHold Expo, Stylish Home. Gifts, Christmas Box. Podarki and Dacha Outdoor.

On February 27 Evgeniy Danchev will talk about How to stay alive and manage sales on a highly competitive market (hall 11, pavilion 2, Crocus Expo IEC).

Key topics of the master-class:

  • three reasons why sales drop and do not increase;
  • how and at what cost federal networks are developing;
  • how should a company be restructured in view of the negative market trends.

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Evgeniy Danchev, business coach, organizational consultant, director of consulting company Wconsulting. Founder and CEO of the Center of Furniture Sales Technologies. Organizer of the conference “Sales and design marketing” within the framework of the “Furniture Club Premium 2013” exhibition. Speaker of the business programme of the “Furniture and Interior 2013” exhibition (Almaty, Kazakhstan).

Participation in the event is free after an on-line registration.